Visiting a doctor in German

Getting sick abroad can be terrifying. You’re not sure where to go, what the culture is surrounding doctors and health, or how to express yourself properly. it is time for Visiting a doctor in German

That’s exactly why we’re writing this article about Visiting a doctor in German (zum Arzt gehen – to go to the doctor). This way, you won’t have to fear visiting your favourite German-speaking countries and getting a bellyache! 

Let’s take a look at our list. We strongly advise you to practise this vocabulary out loud with a friend before you ever have to use it in real life. Your appointment will be successful if you know what to say before your health plays a prank on you.

So you’ve managed to book your appointment and show up at the doctor’s office. Now you’re ready to introduce your issue and explain why you came to see Dr. Schwarz! But first, the receptionist might request the following information from you:

  • Wie heißen Sie? / Ihr vollständiger Name?  – What’s your name? / Your full name?
  • Wie können wir Ihnen helfen? – How can we help you?
  • Haben Sie Ihre Versicherungskarte dabei? – Do you have your health insurance card with you?
  • Sie können Platz nehmen. / Bitte nehmen Sie Platz. – You can take a seat.

As for your side of the story…

  • Ich bin Robert Steiger. / Mein Name ist Robert Steiger– My name’s Robert Steiger.
  • Ich habe um 11 Uhr einen Termin bei Dr.Schwarz. – I have an appointment with Dr. Schwarz at 11 o’clock.)
  • Wir haben gestern miteinander telefoniert. – We spoke on the phone yesterday.
  • Wo sind die Toiletten? – Where are the toilets?
  • Soll ich hier warten? – Should I wait here?
  • Hier ist meine Krankenversicherungskarte– Here is my health insurance card.
  • Wo ist das Büro von Dr.Schwarz? – Where’s Dr.Schwarz’s consulting room?