Austrian German Phrases and Words

Basic Austrian German Words

Österreichisches Deutsch or Austrian German is the variant of German language used in Austria. Some Austrian German words are a little different from the regular German language words.

In this article, we have mentioned some useful Austrian German words which are different from German words in Germany. These words will help you speak like a native Austrian.

Some variants of Austrian German words

Servus! hello
Grüß Gott! good day or greetings
Pfiat di! bye
Auf Wiederschauen! Good bye
Palatschinken pancakes
der Häferlkaffee mug of coffee with milk
der Gastgarten pub garden
Frittatensuppe pancake soup
sekkieren to tease
resch tasty
klass terrific
griawig sweet or cute
grantig grumpy
das Schnackerl hiccup
faktisch virtual
das Hendl chicken
krass cool / blatant / sweet / rad
Oida! Dude!
fesch posh
leiwand brilliant
Blödsinn (slang) bullshit
Wahnsinn! Insane!
der Bub boy / lad
deppert dumb
das Gasthaus pub
der Krankenschein health insurance card
der Lift lift
Baba! Bye Bye!
Mistkübel dust bin
das Kuvert envelope
Ciao! good bye
Scheiße! (slang) shit
aufrecht valid
rezent recent
untertags during the day
zusperren to lock up / to close
die Semmel bread roll
Oatrige a delicious sausage with cheese
kraxeln to climb
der Knödel dumpling
das Schlagobers double cream
der Erdapfel potato
der Karfiol cauliflower
die Marille apricot
das Beisl pub
die Zündholzschachtel matchbox
der Eiskasten fridge
die Karenz maternity leave
lercherlschas trivial
Heisl toilet
die Matura school leaving examination
rean to cry
sich ausrasten to rest
die Jause snacking between meals
inskribieren to enroll
der Topfenkuchen cheesecake
die Ortsumfahrung bypass
zuhanden von for the attention of
die Versicherungspolizze insurance policy
die Hausübung homework
die Sponsion graduation ceremony
A lot of words remain the same in Austrian German.