Daily routine in German.The daily routine in Germany can vary from person to person, but there are some common elements that reflect the country’s culture and lifestyle.
German phrases for daily routine
German Phrase
English Translation
To get up
Used when waking up and getting out of bed.
Zähne putzen
To brush teeth
Morning and evening dental hygiene.
To have breakfast
Eating the first meal of the day.
Zur Arbeit gehen
To go to work
Leaving for the workplace.
Lunch break
The break taken in the middle of the workday.
The meal eaten during the lunch break.
Coffee break
A short break for coffee during the workday.
End of the workday
Signifies the end of the workday, “quitting time”.
The meal typically eaten in the evening.
German vocabulary for daily routine
German Vocabulary
English Translation
der Morgen
General time of day
das Aufwachen
waking up
Action of waking up
das Frühstück
First meal of the day
der Kaffee
Popular morning drink
die Zahnbürste
Used for brushing teeth
die Zahncreme
Used for brushing teeth
die Dusche
Where one bathes
sich anziehen
to get dressed
Action of putting on clothes
der Wecker
alarm clock
Device to wake you up
German sentenses for daily routine
German Sentence
English Translation
Ich stehe um 7 Uhr auf.
I get up at 7 o’clock.
Morning routine, waking up
Ich putze meine Zähne.
I brush my teeth.
Personal hygiene
Zum Frühstück esse ich Müsli.
For breakfast, I eat cereal.
Discussing breakfast habits
Ich fahre mit dem Bus zur Arbeit.
I take the bus to work.
Commuting to work
Ich beginne um 9 Uhr mit der Arbeit.
I start work at 9 o’clock.
Work schedule
Ich mache eine Mittagspause um 12 Uhr.
I take a lunch break at 12 o’clock.
Break during the workday
Ich esse zum Mittag einen Salat.
I eat a salad for lunch.
Discussing lunch habits
Ich trinke nachmittags Kaffee.
I drink coffee in the afternoon.
Afternoon routine
Ich habe um 17 Uhr Feierabend.
I finish work at 5 p.m.
End of the workday
Daily routine phrases in German at school
German Phrase
English Translation
Die Schule beginnt um 8 Uhr.
School starts at 8 o’clock.
Talking about the starting time for school
Ich packe meinen Schulranzen.
I pack my school bag.
Preparing for school in the morning
Ich fahre mit dem Bus zur Schule.
I take the bus to school.
Discussing the commute to school
Wir haben Mathe in der ersten Stunde.
We have math in the first period.
Discussing the first class of the day
Es gibt eine Pause nach der zweiten Stunde.
There’s a break after the second period.
Talking about the schedule for breaks
Ich esse in der Mensa.
I eat in the cafeteria.
Discussing lunch plans at school
Ich mache meine Hausaufgaben.
I do my homework.
Talking about after-school routine
Wir haben heute eine Klassenarbeit.
We have a test today.
Discussing exams or tests
Die Schule endet um 15 Uhr.
School ends at 3 p.m.
Talking about the ending time for school
Ich gehe nach der Schule zum Sportverein.
I go to the sports club after school.
Discussing after-school activities
Ich lerne für die Prüfung.
I study for the exam.
Discussing study habits
Ich treffe meine Freunde im Schulhof.
I meet my friends in the schoolyard.
Socializing at school
In the end, the daily routine in Germany serves as a model for how to effectively balance efficiency and comfort, commitment and the enjoyment of life. This balance makes living in Germany a rewarding and fulfilling experience on multiple levels.