Days and months in German

Learning the names of days and months in German, or in any language, serves several purposes:

  1. Communication: Knowing allows you to effectively communicate and understand dates and scheduling information when interacting with German speakers. It enables you to arrange appointments, make plans, and discuss events using the correct terminology.
  2. Cultural Understanding: Learning  provides insight into German culture and customs. By understanding how Germans refer to specific days and months, you gain a deeper appreciation for their traditions, holidays, and historical references associated with certain dates.
  3. Travel and International Relations: If you plan to travel to German-speaking countries, learning can be immensely helpful. It facilitates interactions with locals, enables you to read signs, schedules, and timetables, and allows you to navigate daily life more smoothly.
English German
Monday Montag
Tuesday Dienstag
Wednesday Mittwoch
Thursday Donnerstag
Friday Freitag
Saturday Samstag
Sunday Sonntag
January Januar
February Februar
March März
April April
May Mai
June Juni
July Juli
August August
September September
October Oktober
November November
December Dezember
What day is it? Welcher Tag ist heute?
Today is Monday. Heute ist Montag.