Nice ways to say “I love you” in German…..

If you have a German lover you need to see our lesson today so you can learn Nice ways to say “I love you” in German.

The German languege gives you alot of choices and options to express your feelings and your love to your partner.

 There are so many different ways to love, from a passion-infused flame that’s bound to burn out, to a serious soul connection, to the heart-racing kind of romance that sends your world into chaos.

“I love you”

The classic way to say i love you in German you only say “Ich liebe dich” and consider the suitable words for long term  relationship.


It is important to make some clear distinctions as to the kind of love you are professing. Ich bin in dich verliebt is a display of affectionate words between lovers, but it isn’t quite as serious as dropping the l-bomb.

Ich bin bis über beide Ohren verliebt

you can also express your love more and more by saying Ich bin bis über beide Ohren verliebt.

it means you love your lover so much from all your heart. And literally it means “I’m head over heels in love”.

Ich steh’ auf dich

when you see someone and you like him/her first of all you will show him/her that you like them by saying            “Ich steh’ auf dich” .

and it is mean I like you. sometimes it is the first step to fall in love.

Dein ist mein ganzes Herz

Probably something you would find on a Hallmark Valentine’s Day card, Dein ist mein ganzes Herz declares that ‘Yours is my whole heart.’ Save it for when your relationship is quite well established.

Liebling, Schatz or Mausi

These are German pet names for loved ones. Take your pick of any of the above, and you’ll end up with something along the lines of ‘darling’, ‘sweetie pie’ or ‘sweetheart’.

we hope you enjoyed our lesson today about Nice ways to say “I love you” in German