German adjectives and examples through passages

German adjectives

An adjective is a part of speech which can be thought of as a “describing word” —typically , an adjective modifies a noun . German adjectives , just like English , come before the noun they describe or modify . In many other languages (such as French) they usually come after the noun . Here are some examples of adjectives you have already encountered :

I have much work Ich habe viel Arbeit
We have no cheese Wir haben keinen Käse.
In clear weather, one has a good view Bei klarem Wetter hat man eine gute Sicht
Zurich is the largest city Zürich ist die größte Stadt.

Because nouns are capitalized in German , it is fairly obvious in these sentences where the adjectives occur : just before the nouns they modify . Note how the endings on German adjectives can change , depending upon the noun (keinen Käse; klarem Wetter; gute Sicht)—specifically , the gender and case of the noun they are modifying . Before explaining the basic rules governing adjective endings , you need to have a better understanding of person , gender , and case in German nouns — concepts that will be explored in the next few lessons .

Finally , realize that the ordinal numbers you learned are, in fact, adjectives—subject to the same rules governing word endings for adjectives .

Who is the third girl ? Wer ist das dritte Mädchen ?
We understand only the first lesson Wir verstehen nur die erste Lektion.

Conversation contains German adjectives

Markus and Helena are friends .

  • Markus: Lena, wer ist das neue Mädchen? Die Brünette dort drüben.
  • Helena: Ich glaube, sie heißt ‘Karoline’.
  • Markus: Sie ist sehr schön.
  • Helena: Sie ist hübsch, wenn man kleine Mädchen mit langen dunklen Haaren mag.
  • Markus: Ja. Ihre Haare gefallen mir sehr.
  • Helena: Markus, du bist ein Ferkel !

This short conversational passage contains more examples of adjectives .


hair(s) die Haare
believe glauben
like, desire, wish mag
over there (dort) drüben
dark dunkel
cute hübsch
short klein
long lang
if wenn