German phrases about Dealing with friends

German phrases about Dealing with friends.Friendship is not merely a connection between two individuals; it’s a network of bonds that impacts mental health, emotional stability, and even professional success. However, like any human relationship, friendships require care, understanding, and effort to remain strong and sustainable.



German phrases about Dealing with friends

German Phrase English Translation
Freunde sind wichtig für das Wohlbefinden. Friends are important for well-being.
Ein offenes Ohr haben To lend a listening ear
Ehrlich währt am längsten. Honesty is the best policy.
Mit Freunden Zeit verbringen Spend time with friends
Konflikte unter Freunden lösen Resolve conflicts among friends
Wir müssen reden. We need to talk.
Kann ich dir helfen? Can I help you?
Du kannst auf mich zählen. You can count on me.
Sich auf einen Freund verlassen To rely on a friend
Ein guter Freund steht immer zur Seite. A good friend is always there for you.
Freundschaft muss gepflegt werden. Friendship needs to be nurtured.
Einen Rat geben To give advice
Einen Rat annehmen To take advice
Das muss unter uns bleiben. This must stay between us.
Wir haben uns auseinandergelebt. We have grown apart.

German sentenses about Dealing with friends

German Sentence English Translation
Freundschaften brauchen Zeit und Pflege. Friendships need time and care.
Wenn du ein Problem hast, bin ich immer für dich da. If you have a problem, I’m always there for you.
Man sollte Konflikte offen ansprechen, um die Freundschaft zu erhalten. One should address conflicts openly to maintain the friendship.
Ein wahrer Freund sagt dir die Wahrheit, auch wenn sie weh tut. A true friend tells you the truth, even if it hurts.
Zeit mit Freunden zu verbringen ist für mich sehr wichtig. Spending time with friends is very important to me.
Manchmal müssen wir auch schwierige Gespräche führen. Sometimes we also have to have difficult conversations.
Ich kann dir meine Geheimnisse anvertrauen. I can entrust you with my secrets.

German vocabulary about Dealing with friends

German Word English Translation Context or Usage
Freund Friend General term for a friend
Freundschaft Friendship The relationship between friends
Vertrauen Trust Trust within a friendship
Unterstützung Support Help or aid provided by a friend
Zuhören Listening Paying attention to a friend when they are talking
Ratschlag Advice Guidance given by a friend
Konflikt Conflict Disagreement or argument between friends
Verständnis Understanding Comprehending a friend’s feelings or actions
Gemeinsame Zeit Quality time Spending enjoyable time together
Loyalität Loyalty Faithfulness or allegiance to a friend
Empathie Empathy Understanding and sharing another’s emotional state
Auseinandersetzung Argument A heated disagreement between friends
Nähe Closeness Emotional or physical proximity
Distanz Distance Emotional or physical separation
Zuverlässigkeit Reliability Being dependable and trustworthy

In conclusion, friendship is one of life’s greatest blessings, but it requires continuous effort and attention to ensure its sustainability and success. Although each friendship has its unique character and circumstances, there are essential elements that remain constant in all successful relationships, such as trust, understanding, and mutual respect.
