German phrases at the dentist. Dentistry is a specialized field of medicine focused on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases related to the oral cavity, jaw, and teeth. A dentist is a qualified medical professional trained to practice in this specialized area after completing the necessary education and training.
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Patient: Guten Tag. Ich habe einen Termin.[/responsivevoice]
Patient: Good day. I have an appointment.
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Zahnarzthelfer: Bitte nehmen Sie Platz.[/responsivevoice]
Dental Assistant: Please take a seat.
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Zahnarzt: Wie kann ich Ihnen helfen?[/responsivevoice]
Dentist: How can I assist you?
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Patient: Ich habe Zahnschmerzen.[/responsivevoice]
Patient: I have a toothache.
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Zahnarzt: Seit wann haben Sie Schmerzen?[/responsivevoice]
Dentist: How long have you had the pain?
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Patient: Seit einer Woche.[/responsivevoice]
Patient: For a week.
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Zahnarzt: Wir sollten ein Röntgenbild machen.[/responsivevoice]
Dentist: We should take an X-ray.
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Patient: Ist das notwendig?[/responsivevoice]
Patient: Is that necessary?
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Zahnarzt: Ja, um die Ursache zu finden.[/responsivevoice]
Dentist: Yes, to find the cause.
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Patient: In Ordnung.[/responsivevoice]
Patient: Alright.
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Zahnarzt: Sie haben Karies. Wir sollten das behandeln.[/responsivevoice]
Dentist: You have a cavity. We should treat that.
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Patient: Was sind die Optionen?[/responsivevoice]
Patient: What are the options?
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Zahnarzt: Eine Füllung oder eine Krone.[/responsivevoice]
Dentist: A filling or a crown.
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Patient: Wie viel kostet das?[/responsivevoice]
Patient: How much does that cost?
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Zahnarzthelfer: Ich gebe Ihnen eine Kostenaufstellung.[/responsivevoice]
Dental Assistant: I’ll give you a cost estimate.
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Patient: Wann können wir anfangen?[/responsivevoice]
Patient: When can we start?
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Zahnarzt: Am besten gleich jetzt.[/responsivevoice]
Dentist: The sooner, the better.
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Patient: Ok, machen wir das.[/responsivevoice]
Patient: Ok, let’s do it.
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Zahnarzt: Bitte öffnen Sie den Mund.[/responsivevoice]
Dentist: Please open your mouth.
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Patient: War das alles?[/responsivevoice]
Patient: Is that all?
[responsivevoice voice=”Deutsch Female” rate=”0.8″ buttontext=”►”]Zahnarzt: Ja, bitte kommen Sie in sechs Monaten wieder.[/responsivevoice]
Dentist: Yes, please come back in six months.
Finally, it is extremely important to carefully choose a dentist and commit to regular visits to ensure ongoing oral health. The dentist does more than just “fix teeth”; they provide comprehensive care that can impact one’s overall well-being.