Talk About Your Family in German

How to Talk About Your Family in German

Talk About Your Family in German

learning things like family member terms in German first-hand is always a great idea, you may be more comfortable studying up on this before your trip. After all, when it comes to family in German, words like the one in our example are going to come up all the time, so you should prepare using German lessons about family like this one!

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Parents die Eltern Relative der Verwandte (-n)
Mother die Mutter (ü) Man der Mann (ä, -er)
Father der Vater (ä) Sir / Mister der Herr (-en)
Son der Sohn (ö, -e) Woman / Ma’am / Mrs. / Ms. die Frau (-en)
Daughter die Tochter (ö) Husband der Ehemann (ä, -er)
Brother der Bruder (ü) Wife die Ehefrau (-en)
Sister die Schwester (-n) Boy der Junge (-n)
Grandparents die Großeltern Girl das Mädchen (-)
Grandfather der Großvater (ä) Grandpa der Opa (-s)
Grandmother die Großmutter (ü) Grandma die Oma (-s)
Grandchildren die Enkelkinder Dad der Vati
Grandson der Enkel (-) Mom die Mutti
Granddaughter die Enkelin (-nen) Friend (m) der Freund (-e)
Niece die Nichte (-n) Friend (f) die Freundin (-nen)
Nephew der Neffe (-n) Partner / Significant Other (m) der Partner (-)
Cousin (m) der Vetter (-n) Partner / Significant Other (f) die Partnerin (-nen)
Cousin (f) die Kusine (-n) Marital Status der Familienstand
Uncle der Onkel (-) Single ledig
Aunt die Tante (-n) Married verheiratet
Siblings die Geschwister Divorced geschieden
Baby das Baby (-s) Male männlich
Godfather der Pate (-n) Female weiblich
Godmother die Patin (-nen) Child das Kind (-er)
Step- der/die Stief- Toddler das Kleinkind (-er)
-in-law der/die Schwieger- Teenager der Teenager (-)
Brother-in-law der Schwager (ä) Adult der Erwachsene (-n)
Sister-in-law die Schwägerin (-nen)
Twin der Zwilling (-e)


the grandfather

the grandmother

he and she

the father

the mother

he and she

the son

the daughter

he and she

the brother

the sister

he and she

the uncle

the aunt

he and she

We are a family.

The family is not small.

The family is big.