Learn about Interrogative in German

Interrogative in German

In this lesson , you will learn the interrogative in German . In a question , interrogatives replace the unknown object and establish the class of answer expected . You have encountered nearly all of the interrogatives commonly used in German . Look at the table below :

when wann
why warum
what was
who wer
how wie
how much wieviel
where wo
where (to) wohin

Examples :

  • Warum sind Sie müde ?
  • Was ist das ?
  • Wer ist das Mädchen ?
  • Wie geht es dir ?
  • Wieviel Uhr ist es ?
  • Wo ist das Buch ?
  • Wohin gehst du ?

Notice the place of the interrogatives in these questions :

What do you have? Was haben Sie? (Expected is a ‘thing’)
How much work is too much? Wieviel Arbeit ist zu viel? (Expected is a ‘quantity’)
When do you go home? Wann gehst du nach Hause? (Expected is a sense of ‘time’)
Where is Lake Zurich? Wo ist der Zürichsee? (Expected is a ‘place’)

Note that the English construction for some of the questions differs from the German in that the former uses the progressive form of “do”.