Love phrases in German

love phrases in German, as in any other language, to express our feelings of love and affection towards someone. Love is a universal emotion, and expressing it through words is an important aspect of human relationships. German, like any other language, has a rich vocabulary of love phrases that can be used to convey

different levels and types of affection, from expressing a crush to expressing a deep and lasting love. These

phrases can be used in various contexts, such as between romantic partners, family members, friends, or even in

more formal settings, such as in business or professional relationships. Using love phrases in German can help to deepen connections and foster emotional intimacy between people.

Love phrases in German

You can use love phrases to express your passion to your family, friends and other people.

German English
Ich liebe dich. I love you.
Du bist mein Ein und Alles. You are my everything.
Ich kann nicht ohne dich leben. I can’t live without you.
Du bist meine große Liebe. You are my great love.
Du machst mich glücklich. You make me happy.
Du bist die Liebe meines Lebens. You are the love of my life.
Ich denke immer an dich. I always think of you.
Ich vermisse dich. I miss you.
Mein Herz schlägt nur für dich. My heart beats only for you.
Du bist meine bessere Hälfte. You are my better half.
In deinen Armen fühle ich mich geborgen. In your arms, I feel safe.
Du bist mein Schatz. You are my treasure.
Ich bin unsterblich in dich verliebt. I am immortal in love with you.
Ohne dich ist alles nichts. Without you, everything is nothing.
Ich liebe dich mehr als alles andere auf der Welt. I love you more than anything else in the world.

passion vocabulary in German

Express your passion with these love words in German.

German English
die Leidenschaft passion
die Begeisterung enthusiasm
das Feuer fire
die Hingabe devotion
die Ekstase ecstasy
das Verlangen desire
die Lust lust
die Intensität intensity
die Sinnlichkeit sensuality
das Verliebtsein being in love
die Schwärmerei infatuation
die Anziehungskraft attraction
die Faszination fascination
die Euphorie euphoria
die Betörung enchantment
die Verehrung adoration
die Romantik romance
die Zuneigung affection
[responsivevoice voice="Deutsch Female" rate="0.8" buttontext="►"]das Vertrauen trust
[responsivevoice voice="Deutsch Female" rate="0.8" buttontext="►"]die Nähe intimacy
das Gefühl feeling

Romantic words in German

Be romantic wit their lover/ beloved and use these love phrases in German.

rman English
die Liebe love
der Kuss kiss
der Liebhaber / die Liebhaberin lover
die Zärtlichkeit tenderness
das Herz heart
die Schönheit beauty
die Sehnsucht longing
das Glück happiness
der Traum dream
die Hingabe devotion
die Leidenschaft passion
die Romantik romance
die Vertrautheit familiarity
der Seelenverwandte / die Seelenverwandte soulmate
der Duft scent
das Lächeln smile
das Funkeln sparkle
die Magie magic
[responsivevoice voice="Deutsch Female" rate="0.8" buttontext="►"]die Harmonie harmony

Emotional expressions in German

What is your emotion, you can express it now in German.

German English
[responsivevoice voice="Deutsch Female" rate="0.8" buttontext="►"]Freude joy
Glück happiness
Trauer sadness
Enttäuschung disappointment
Zorn / Wut anger
Furcht / Angst fear
Verlegenheit embarrassment
Scham shame
Überraschung surprise
Erleichterung relief
Eifersucht jealousy
Verzweiflung despair
Hoffnung hope
Dankbarkeit gratitude
Empörung indignation
Verachtung contempt
Erstaunen amazement
Stolz pride
Neid envy

At last now you can express your love in German.