Traffic Vocabulary in German

Traffic Vocabulary in German.In the pulse of our daily lives, traffic vocabulary stands as one of the most consistently encountered and navigated aspects. Our safety, as well as that of others on the roads, hinges significantly on our understanding and adherence to traffic rules and signals.

Traffic Vocabulary in German

english german
Accident Unfall
Seat belt Sicherheitsgurt
Traffic jam Stau
Speed limit Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung
Yield Vorzug geben
No parking Kein Parken
No stopping Es ist verboten, aufzuhören
No entry Eintritt verboten
One way Eine Richtung
Pedestrian Fußgänger
School zone Schule
Intersection Kreuzung
Roundabout Kreisverkehr
Speed bump Bump Industrial
Traffic light Verkehrszeichen
Crosswalk Zebrastreifen
Bus lane Buskorridor
Lane Gehweg
Merge verschmelzen
Overpass Eine bekannte Brücke
Underpass Known tunnel
Railroad crossing Überqueren Sie die Eisenbahn
Road work Straßengeschäft
Shoulder die Schulter
Turn left Der Trend für die linke
Turn right Die Richtung ist richtig
U-turn entgegengesetzten Richtung
Speed camera Geschwindigkeitsradarkamera
a Fine eine Geldbuße

In concluding our exploration of traffic vocabulary, the importance of this silent language that ensures our movement and safety on roads becomes evidently clear. Knowing and understanding traffic vocabulary is not just a legal requirement but a social and ethical duty that contributes to the preservation of lives.