Weather conditions in German
Weather conditions in German.Weather, the state of the atmosphere at a particular place and time, is a topic that universally affects and fascinates us all. With its multifaceted and unpredictable nature, weather conditions significantly impact our daily lives, activities, and the environment that surrounds us.
Weather conditions in German
English | German |
Temperature | Temperatur |
Humidity | Feuchtigkeit |
Wind speed | Windgeschwindigkeit |
Wind direction | Windrichtung |
Cloud cover | Wolken abdecken |
Precipitation | Niederschlag |
Rain | der Regen |
Snow | der Schnee |
Sleet | Ziber |
Hail | die Kälte |
Fog | der Nebel |
Mist | Tau |
Dew | Tau |
Heatwave | Hitzewelle |
Cold wave | Kalte Welle |
Thunderstorm | Donnersturm |
Hurricane | Tornado |
Monsoon | Die Regenzeit |
Drought | Trockenheit |
Flood | Flut |
Blizzard | Schneesturm |
Ice storm | Eisberg |
Heat index | Wärmeanzeige |
Wind chill | Der kalte Index |
UV index | UV-Index |
Air quality | Luftqualität |
Smoke | Rauch |
Ash | Asche |
Smog | Rauchiger Nebel |
Ozone | Ozon |
Carbon monoxide | Kohlenmonoxid |
In conclusion, understanding weather conditions and appreciating their impacts on our lives and the natural environment is of paramount importance. Weather not only dictates how we dress and go about our daily activities, but it also significantly influences public health, agriculture, and global economies.