Marine animals in German

Marine animals in German.Marine animals are an integral part of the biodiversity of our world, representing a myriad of shapes, colors, and sizes, showcasing the strength and beauty of life underwater. From small colorful fish to giant creatures like whales and octopuses, these beings paint a magnificent canvas beneath the seas and oceans.

Marine animals in German

German English
Fisch Fish
Hai Shark
Wal Whale
Delfin Dolphin
Krabbe Lobster
Hummer Octopus
Pflege Crab
Garnele Shrimp
Tick Codfish
Tintenfisch Squid
über Penguin
Siegel Seal
Lachs Salmon
Thunfisch Tuna
Tilapia Tilapia
Kabeljau Haddock
Fisch Sardine
Skala Trout
Buckellachs Pink Salmon
Qualle Jellyfish
Sternsee Kreatur Starfish
Schwarze Nase Beluga
Riesiger Redden Giant Octopus
Nildicke Nile Perch
Schlange Sea Snake
Garnele Prawn
Hering Ray Fish
Nelke Sea Anemone
PASA Barracuda

In conclusion, the diversity and multitude displayed by marine animals reflect the richness and variety of life in the depths of the seas and oceans. Each marine creature, regardless of its size or form, holds secrets and wonders worthy of exploration and study.