Ordering in restaurant in German

Today we are going to learn together about Ordering in restaurant in German.
There are many restaurants you might find in Germany. Much like in English-speaking countries, you would more
likely use the name of the restaurant than name what kind of restaurant.
If you want to address the wish to eat a certain food, there are two ways:
example: “wanting to eat chinese food”
1. “Ich möchte gerne zum Chinesen.” – literally: “I want to go to the Chinese (restaurant).” 2. “Ich möchte gerne
chinesisch essen (gehen).” – literally: “I want to (go) eat Chinese (style food).”
Here are some more restaurants you can find in Germany:
• American food: “zum Amerikaner” / “amerikanisch essen”*
• Arabic food: “zum Araber” / “arabisch essen”
• Chinese food: “zum Chinesen” / “chinesisch essen”
• French food: “zum Franzosen” / “französisch essen”
• Greek food: “zum Griechen” / “griechisch essen”
• Italian food: “zum Italiener” / “italienisch essen”
• Indian food: “zum Inder” / “indisch essen”
• Japanese food: “zum Japaner” / “japanisch essen”
• Mexican food: “zum Mexikaner” / “mexikanisch essen”
• Spanish food: “zum Spanier” / “spanisch essen”
• Turkish food: “zum Türken” / “türkisch essen”
Accusative case prepositions
Here are those prepositions that always fall under Accusative Case
bis – until
durch – through
entlang – along
für – for
gegen – against
ohne – without
um – at, around
You learned um last lesson, and ohne earlier this lesson. Bis, durch, entlang and gegen will be taught in depth later, and für will be taught now.
Up until this point, you have only worried about the Accusative Case in third person. Für, meaning ‘for’, can and should be used in the first and second persons, too. Here’s an example:
“The cheeseburger is for me.” – “Der Cheeseburger ist für mich.”
As you can see, ‘me’ is put into accusative case because the preposition is für.
Saying How Food Tastes
delicious | lecker |
delicious | delikat* (a lot more formal than lecker) |
tasty | schmackhaft |
juicy | saftig |
crunchy | knackig (can also mean crispy) |
crispy | knusprig |
stale, tasteless | fade |
salty | salzig |
oversalted | versalzen |
sweet | süß |
spicy |
würzig, pikant |
bitter |
bitter |
sour |
sauer |
creamy |
cremig |