Possessive Pronoun in German

Possessive Pronoun in German.Possessive pronouns in German indicate ownership or possession and change according to the gender and number of the noun they refer to, as well as the case of the noun. Here’s a table that shows the possessive pronouns in German for each grammatical person, along with their English translations:

German Pronoun Masculine (Nominative) Feminine (Nominative) Neuter (Nominative) Plural (Nominative) English Equivalent
mein (my) mein Hund (my dog) meine Katze (my cat) mein Buch (my book) meine Bücher (my books) my
dein (your singular) dein Auto (your car) deine Tasche (your bag) dein Haus (your house) deine Häuser (your houses) your
sein (his) sein Fahrrad (his bike) seine Uhr (his watch) sein Hemd (his shirt) seine Hemden (his shirts) his
ihr (her) ihr Stuhl (her chair) ihre Lampe (her lamp) ihr Spielzeug (her toy) ihre Spielzeuge (her toys) her
unser (our) unser Garten (our garden) unsere Schule (our school) unser Zimmer (our room) unsere Zimmer (our rooms) our
euer (your plural) euer Buch (your book) eure Wohnung (your apartment) euer Auto (your car) eure Autos (your cars) your (plural)
ihr (their) ihr Tisch (their table) ihre Tasche (their bag) ihr Buch (their book) ihre Bücher (their books) their
Ihr (your formal) Ihr Buch (your book) Ihre Tasche (your bag) Ihr Auto (your car) Ihre Autos (your cars) your (formal)
  • Note: “Ihr” (your formal) is capitalized to distinguish it from “ihr” (their).

Each possessive pronoun changes according to the gender (masculine, feminine, neuter) and number (singular, plural) of the noun it is describing. Additionally, possessive pronouns also change according to the grammatical case of the noun, but this table shows only the nominative case for simplicity.


Sure! Here’s a table with examples of sentences using possessive pronouns in German, along with their English translations. These examples will help illustrate how possessive pronouns are used in context.

German Sentence with Possessive Pronoun English Translation
Das ist mein Auto. That is my car.
Hast du deinen Schlüssel verloren? Have you lost your key?
Sein Hund ist sehr freundlich. His dog is very friendly.
Ihre Katze schläft auf dem Sofa. Her cat is sleeping on the sofa.
Wir haben unser Haus verkauft. We have sold our house.
Habt ihr eure Hausaufgaben gemacht? Have you (plural) done your homework?
Sie haben ihren Pass vergessen. They have forgotten their passport.
Haben Sie Ihren Koffer gepackt? Have you (formal) packed your suitcase?
  • “mein” (my), “dein” (your singular), “sein” (his), “ihr” (her), “unser” (our), “euer” (your plural), “ihr” (their), and “Ihr” (your formal) are used to show possession in these sentences.
  • Each sentence illustrates how the possessive pronoun changes depending on the subject (e.g., first person, second person, third person) and the number (singular or plural).


Absolutely! Here’s a table with sentences that incorporate possessive pronouns in German, along with their English translations. These sentences demonstrate how possessive pronouns are used in different contexts.

German Sentence with Possessive Pronoun English Translation
Ist das dein Fahrrad? Is that your bicycle?
Ihre Bluse ist sehr schön. Her blouse is very beautiful.
Wir können unser Auto nicht finden. We can’t find our car.
Haben Sie Ihren Schlüssel gefunden? Have you (formal) found your key?
Seine Brille ist kaputt. His glasses are broken.
Meine Schwester hat ihr Buch verloren. My sister has lost her book.
Habt ihr eure Tickets schon gekauft? Have you (plural) already bought your tickets?
Sie haben ihr Haus renoviert. They have renovated their house.

In each of these sentences, the possessive pronoun changes to reflect the gender and number of the noun it is related to, as well as the person it belongs to (first person, second person, third person).


Certainly! Here’s a table featuring phrases with possessive pronouns in German, accompanied by their English translations. These phrases showcase the use of possessive pronouns in various contexts.

German Phrase with Possessive Pronoun English Translation
Mein Buch ist neu. My book is new.
Deine Schuhe sind sehr schön. Your shoes are very beautiful.
Sein Hund spielt im Garten. His dog is playing in the garden.
Ihr Auto ist sehr schnell. Her car is very fast.
Unser Lehrer ist nett. Our teacher is nice.
Euer Haus ist groß. Your (plural) house is big.
Ihre Kinder spielen Fußball. Their children are playing soccer.
Ist das Ihr Koffer? Is that your (formal) suitcase?

These phrases demonstrate how German possessive pronouns (mein, dein, sein, ihr, unser, euer, ihr, Ihr) are used to indicate ownership or association with the subject in a sentence. The possessive pronouns change depending on the gender and number of the noun they are associated with, and the person or entity to whom they refer.