Future Perfect Continuous in German

Future Perfect Continuous in German.The Future Perfect Continuous tense is a nuanced and multifaceted aspect of English grammar, representing actions that will be ongoing in the future but will conclude at a specific forthcoming point. This tense is employed to indicate actions that are set to commence and persist for a duration before concluding at a later juncture.

Future Perfect Continuous

Explanation about Future Perfect Continuous in German

However, to express similar meanings, you can use a combination of the future perfect tense and adverbs or adverbial phrases that indicate a continuous action. Here’s how you might construct such sentences:

  1. Use of Future II (Futur II):
    • Subject + werden (conjugated) + sein/haben (infinitive) + past participle + am/gerade + Infinitive (base form of the verb)


    • English: By next year, I will have been working here for a decade.
    • German: Bis nächstes Jahr werde ich hier seit einem Jahrzehnt gearbeitet haben.
  2. Use of Present/Past Perfect Continuous:
    • Since German does not have a continuous form for each tense, you might use the present/past perfect continuous with a future time expression to express a future ongoing action.
    • Subject + haben/sein (conjugated) + past participle + seit + time expression


    • English: By the time he finishes, he will have been running for three hours.
    • German: Wenn er fertig ist, wird er seit drei Stunden gelaufen sein.

Examples for using Future Perfect Continuous in German

English German Literal Translation
By 5 o’clock, I will have been waiting for two hours. Um 5 Uhr werde ich zwei Stunden gewartet haben. By 5 o’clock, I will have waited for two hours.
In December, they will have been living in Berlin for three years. Im Dezember werden sie seit drei Jahren in Berlin gewohnt haben. In December, they will have lived in Berlin for three years.
By the time you return, we will have been working on this project for six months. Wenn du zurückkehrst, werden wir sechs Monate lang an diesem Projekt gearbeitet haben. When you return, we will have worked on this project for six months.
He will have been teaching at the university for ten years next Monday. Nächsten Montag wird er seit zehn Jahren an der Universität unterrichtet haben. Next Monday, he will have taught at the university for ten years.
By the end of the year, she will have been studying German for five years. Am Ende des Jahres wird sie seit fünf Jahren Deutsch gelernt haben. By the end of the year, she will have learned German for five years.

Finally,while this tense may initially appear intricate, mastering its usage can significantly enhance our communicative proficiency and deepen our understanding of English grammar.

Future Perfect Continuous